Digi had never had a store in this province: that changes starting today

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Digi has been growing a lot in our country in recent years and this is also being reflected in the increase in the number of own stores that are spread throughout Spain. Now it welcomes one that will inaugurate the physical presence of the Romanian operator in a province. Specifically, Digi opens a new store… Continuar leyendo Digi had never had a store in this province: that changes starting today

Movistar will be the first European operator to turn off ADSL completely

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The transition to 100% fiber It is a reality that is getting closer every day and Movistar will celebrate Telefónica’s anniversary leaving only a few remains of ADSL, being able to say that almost 100% of all the centers that provided service have been closed. Telefónica’s centenary is the key Since the first two closed… Continuar leyendo Movistar will be the first European operator to turn off ADSL completely

Spain prefixes: how to know which province they are calling you from

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Perhaps it has ever happened to you that an unknown number calls you and you don’t know where it is coming from or who is on the other end. In Spain, each province has its own prefixa code that you must enter to contact a number that corresponds to that area. According to the Government’s… Continuar leyendo Spain prefixes: how to know which province they are calling you from

These have been the most searched topics on Google during 2023 in Spain

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The year is practically coming to an end, and as is tradition, Google has launched its annual “Year in Search” report that shows us the most searched terms in the browser. Really interesting information comes from the search engine par excellence among society, since it conveys to us in a reliable manner the interests of… Continuar leyendo These have been the most searched topics on Google during 2023 in Spain

end of suspense and small disappointment for the broadcast quality

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Unless there is a complete and unlikely turnaround, Euro 2024 will not be captured natively in Ultra HD. Instead, an “old-fashioned” Full HD capture, possibly coupled with a simple upscaling to 4K. Barring a miracle, you can say goodbye to 4K for Euro 2024 // Source: Mitch Rosen – Unsplash No native Ultra HD recording… Continuar leyendo end of suspense and small disappointment for the broadcast quality

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Movistar continues to turn off ADSL: it closes almost 400 centers

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On the verge of negotiating the ERE, Telefónica closes almost 400 copper plants. The Spanish operator continues with its objective of putting an end to this technology, which is why it has already definitively closed up to 388 copper plants this week. So once again, the end of ADSL in Spain is closer to being… Continuar leyendo Movistar continues to turn off ADSL: it closes almost 400 centers

Digital nomads and foreign professionals in the Netherlands will lose tax privileges, as is happening elsewhere

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There are more and more digital nomads. People who can telework and who decide to move countries with their PC in hand to be able to carry out their tasks from wherever they want. This means that many countries have already decided to regularize their situation, especially when it comes to taxes. In general, many… Continuar leyendo Digital nomads and foreign professionals in the Netherlands will lose tax privileges, as is happening elsewhere

Orange continues with its incredible expansion of 5G+ and now reaches all these cities

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The orange operator started with only 5 cities on 5G+ deployment and now it reaches 49 cities and municipalities. Is yours among them? Orange continues to expand 5G+ The network of Orange 5G SA, which they have commercially called 5G+, lands in more locations in Spain. As the months go by, the French operator continues… Continuar leyendo Orange continues with its incredible expansion of 5G+ and now reaches all these cities

The National Police closes a pirate IPTV service with more than 18,000 clients in Spain

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The fight against pirated IPTV It does not stop and every week we have a large operation that aims to close one of these illegal services. On this occasion, the information comes to us from our own country, as a result of a mega-operation in which more than 18,000 customers have been left without service.… Continuar leyendo The National Police closes a pirate IPTV service with more than 18,000 clients in Spain

ADSL had no expiration date, but now we know when it turns off forever

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And it is over. There was a copper power plant left It still did not have a closing date.. But this has changed and, with the closing lists in our hands, we can now tell you when the signal will turn off permanently. This confirms that, in the near future, ADSL will no longer exist… Continuar leyendo ADSL had no expiration date, but now we know when it turns off forever