Spain prefixes: how to know which province they are calling you from

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Perhaps it has ever happened to you that an unknown number calls you and you don’t know where it is coming from or who is on the other end. In Spain, each province has its own prefixa code that you must enter to contact a number that corresponds to that area. According to the Government’s… Continuar leyendo Spain prefixes: how to know which province they are calling you from

ADSL had no expiration date, but now we know when it turns off forever

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And it is over. There was a copper power plant left It still did not have a closing date.. But this has changed and, with the closing lists in our hands, we can now tell you when the signal will turn off permanently. This confirms that, in the near future, ADSL will no longer exist… Continuar leyendo ADSL had no expiration date, but now we know when it turns off forever

The Google trick to know how far in advance you have to buy your flights at Christmas

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Finding cheap flights at Christmas is tricky, but Google Flights wants to put an end to that with a new feature aimed at helping users. How far in advance do you have to buy your flights? Possibly, it is one of the most frequently asked questions when planning a trip. Bearing in mind that December… Continuar leyendo The Google trick to know how far in advance you have to buy your flights at Christmas