Spain prefixes: how to know which province they are calling you from

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Perhaps it has ever happened to you that an unknown number calls you and you don’t know where it is coming from or who is on the other end. In Spain, each province has its own prefixa code that you must enter to contact a number that corresponds to that area. According to the Government’s… Continuar leyendo Spain prefixes: how to know which province they are calling you from

This is how Digi has swept portability so far in 2023

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The Romanian operator Digi is, right now, the one that gains the most customers every month, whether new or stolen from the competition through the portability process. This month of September, which we are about to close, is no exception and, with the data in hand, we are going to tell you how the company… Continuar leyendo This is how Digi has swept portability so far in 2023

The Google trick to know how far in advance you have to buy your flights at Christmas

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Finding cheap flights at Christmas is tricky, but Google Flights wants to put an end to that with a new feature aimed at helping users. How far in advance do you have to buy your flights? Possibly, it is one of the most frequently asked questions when planning a trip. Bearing in mind that December… Continuar leyendo The Google trick to know how far in advance you have to buy your flights at Christmas

What news does it bring and how is it different from Telefónica’s high-performance 5G

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5G+ is the new idea with which the operators have baptized the latest evolution of 5G that is made available to users. Technically it is called 5G SA (Stand Alone), but it is also known as real 5G or complete 5G, although beyond the terms used, we are going to focus on the novelties and… Continuar leyendo What news does it bring and how is it different from Telefónica’s high-performance 5G

Bus stop near me: how to locate each one of them

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If you usually move around the city throughout the day, it is always good to use public transport If you go to certain areas where you do not always have a place to park your vehicle. In big cities the combination is always good, having to pull one of the basics such as the bus.… Continuar leyendo Bus stop near me: how to locate each one of them