Paradas de autobús de Sevilla y Málaga se convierten en el escaparate de la condena de Luis Pineda por difamar a Facua

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Las marquesinas de varias paradas de autobús de Sevilla y Málaga han amanecido este miércoles con una publicidad poco habitual: un fallo de una sentencia judicial. La sentencia que hace más de un lustro condenó a Luis Pineda, líder condenado de Ausbanc, por difamar a la asociación de consumidores Facua y a su entonces portavoz,… Continuar leyendo Paradas de autobús de Sevilla y Málaga se convierten en el escaparate de la condena de Luis Pineda por difamar a Facua

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El obispo de Málaga acusa a los medios de “virulencia” en el caso del cura abusador detenido en su diócesis

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Una semana después de que estallara el escándalo por la detención del sacerdote acusado de sedar, violar y grabar a varias mujeres, el obispo de Málaga, Jesús Catalá, ha roto su silencio para escribir una carta a sus “sacerdotes, religiosos y diáconos”. en la que no dedica una sola línea a las víctimas del padre… Continuar leyendo El obispo de Málaga acusa a los medios de “virulencia” en el caso del cura abusador detenido en su diócesis

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Un nuevo cardenal español ‘corrige’ a la Conferencia Episcopal sobre el cura de Málaga: “Siempre hay que ponerse en el lugar de la víctima”

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Después de la no respuesta del portavoz de la Conferencia Episcopal, César García Magán, ante el ‘caso Málaga’, pocos esperaban una respuesta contundente por parte de la Iglesia española frente al caso del sacerdote detenido por, presuntamente, sedar y violar a varias mujeres, y la actitud tomada por el Obispado de Málaga. Sin embargo, en Roma, el… Continuar leyendo Un nuevo cardenal español ‘corrige’ a la Conferencia Episcopal sobre el cura de Málaga: “Siempre hay que ponerse en el lugar de la víctima”

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Investigan la violación a una joven de 22 años por parte de un portero de discoteca de Torremolinos

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La Policía Nacional ha abierto una investigación a raíz de una denuncia interpuesta por una joven de 22 años por una presunta agresión sexual sufrida por parte de un portero de una discoteca de Torremolinos (Málaga). Los hechos habrían ocurrido en la noche del miércoles, entre las cinco y las seis de la mañana, en… Continuar leyendo Investigan la violación a una joven de 22 años por parte de un portero de discoteca de Torremolinos

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The judge releases the detainee for the sexist crime of Humilladero

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The man arrested for the sexist crime that occurred on Thursday in the Malaga town of Humilladero has been released. This has been decreed by the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 3 of Antequera, on duty, in a case confirmed as gender violence and in which the deceased’s partner was arrested, who received… Continuar leyendo The judge releases the detainee for the sexist crime of Humilladero

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What news does it bring and how is it different from Telefónica’s high-performance 5G

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5G+ is the new idea with which the operators have baptized the latest evolution of 5G that is made available to users. Technically it is called 5G SA (Stand Alone), but it is also known as real 5G or complete 5G, although beyond the terms used, we are going to focus on the novelties and… Continuar leyendo What news does it bring and how is it different from Telefónica’s high-performance 5G

DES2023 highlights the benefits of AI in companies and Andalusia as the vanguard of digitization


The seventh European summit on exponential technologies, DES – Digital Enterprise Show, has come to Malaga for the second time to turn the Andalusian city into the world capital of technology. The event, which started yesterday the 13th and will continue until tomorrow Thursday, will leave an economic impact for the city estimated at around… Continuar leyendo DES2023 highlights the benefits of AI in companies and Andalusia as the vanguard of digitization

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Argentine parrots: understanding interspecies relationships can be a beautiful challenge

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Myiopsitta monachus, Captured in the forests of the semi-arid savannah in its South American country of origin, marketed, transported and sold, it was reestablished as a naturalized wild bird in Iberia in 1975, first in Barcelona and later in other locations, such as Madrid, Malaga or Seville, in environments highly urbanized, leaving behind the exploited… Continuar leyendo Argentine parrots: understanding interspecies relationships can be a beautiful challenge

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The Spanish startup Froged settles in the United States and grows 369%


The Spanish startup Froged, specialized in product success, has achieved increase its client base in the United States by 369%with a traffic growth of 60% in 2022. This Spanish startup led by the Málaga entrepreneur Emily G.-Cebrián, CEO and co-founder, has created a tool focused on IT departments customer successsupport and product marketing for increase… Continuar leyendo The Spanish startup Froged settles in the United States and grows 369%

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‘20,000 species of bees’ and ‘Las hijas’ win the Biznaga de Oro for the best films at the 26th Malaga Festival

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The jury of the Official Section of Feature Films of the twenty-sixth edition of the Malaga Film Festival has awarded the Golden Biznaga for Best Spanish Film to the film ‘20,000 species of bees’, by director Estíbaliz Urresola Solaguren, and the Biznaga Gold for Best Ibero-American Film for ‘Las hijas’, by Kattia G. Zúñiga. Both… Continuar leyendo ‘20,000 species of bees’ and ‘Las hijas’ win the Biznaga de Oro for the best films at the 26th Malaga Festival

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