The World Cup in Qatar is already here and the first meetings between countries have been a small sample of what is to come. Of course, not all the matches are going to be broadcast by RTVE, but those that are going to reach televisions will enjoy UHD resolution to enjoy this football match even more.
Despite the fact that they can be seen in UHD resolution, it will be necessary to carry out a series of steps to be able to see them at this quality. The first thing to keep in mind is that you have to tune in to the TVE UHD channel on DTT. It may seem that you only need to hit the button to search for channels on the television, but this is not the case since it changes depending on each community.
We are going to see in detail how to tune this channel on your television so that you can watch the free matches of the world of Qatar 2022 in 4K resolution. In case you are not going to watch it at home and you have to use your mobile phone, we have also calculated the data you will need to see all the Qatar World Cup 2022.
In addition, if you are forced to watch these matches at a relative’s house, we also provide you with a complete report on how to watch the Qatar 2022 World Cup on an Android TV with Kodi, IPTV and applications. Having made clear the different ways in which it can be enjoyed, we start with the task of tuning DTT in 4K.
Basic needs of your television to tune in to the Qatar World Cup matches in 4K
Before reaching into the TV settings to start tuning the channel UHD TV What you have to do is check if the television will be compatible with this channel. Logically, andThe equipment must have 4K resolution. In case of not having this resolution, the image that the channel will show will be in the native resolution of the television.
The clearest example is having a television with Full HD resolution or 1,920 x 1,080 pixels and expecting to see the games in 4K, this is impossible. Most TVs from the last few years have this resolution, although you may still have a TV in the kitchen or dining room with a lower resolution, and in that case, there is no point in tuning to this channel.
Another of the needs of the television is that it has HDR in order to be able to watch the games in the best possible way, it is not a mandatory condition and it prevents tuning into this channel. But the truth is that it improves the experience, what is mandatory is that the television has a DVB-T2 tuner. If your 4K TV is several years old, it may not be.
How can you tell if your television has a DVB-T2 tuner? The easiest way is to check the internet with the model of your television along with its serial, so that the manufacturer’s website can give you the correct information at all times. SIf you do not have this tuner, you can opt for an external one or use the DVB-T2 standard.
In case you want to bet on the DVB-T2 standard, you will have to check that your television integrates it. It is much more common than the previous one since uses a mixed system that combines DTT together with IPTV television, making it mandatory to have an internet connection so that you can tune in to this channel on your television.
Tune in to the TVE UHD channel to watch the World Cup in Qatar in 4K
Having made clear the basic needs of the television to be able to tune to TVE UHD and watch the World Cup matches Qatar in 4K, now it’s time to see what you have to do to tune in to this channel. Channel tuning can be manual or automatic, the latter being the least recommended in case you have previously organized channels.
And, it is that, when scanning the channels automatically, what it will do is tune the channels as it finds them and, therefore, it will completely disorganize the order of these channels. What we recommend is to tune the TVE UHD channel manually to avoid having to organize the channels again.
UHD Spain has prepared a document in which you can see the number of the channel for each province and the cities it covers. We leave you the complete list below to make it easier for you to tune in to this channel on your television:
- A CoruñaARES, A Coruña: channel 21
- A CoruñaSANTIAGO, Santiago de Compostela: channel 33
- alavaVITORIA, Virtoria: channel 47
- AlbaceteALMANSA, Almansa: channel 26
- AlbaceteCHINCHILLA, Albacete: channel 26
- AlbaceteHELLIN, Hellin: channel 26
- AlicanteAITANA, Alicante: channel 34
- AsturiasGIJON, Gijon: Channel 4
- AsturiasOVIEDO-NARANCO, Oviedo: channel 48
- AvilaAVILA, Ávila: channel: channel 41
- badajozBADAJOZ, Badajoz: channel 22
- BarcelonaBAIX LLOBREGAT, Torrelles de Llobregat: channel 43
- BarcelonaCOLLSEROLA, Barcelona: channel 43
- BurgosBURGOS, Burgos: channel 42
- caceresCACERES, Cáceres: channel 27
- caceresMERIDA II, Merida: channel 27
- CadizJEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, Cádiz: channel 44
- CantabriaPEÑA CABARGA, Santander: channel 34
- Real cityTHE WATCHTOWER, Ciudad Real: channel 33
- Real cityLA MANCHA, Alcazar de San Juan: channel 33
- Real cityPUERTOLLANO, Puertollano: channel 33
- CordovaCORDOBA, Cordoba: channel 43
- BasinBASIN I, Basin: channel 35
- BasinBASIN II, Basin: channel 35
- GironaROCACORBA, Girona: channel 40
- GrenadePARAPANDA, Grenada: channel 48
- GuadalajaraIRIEPAL, Guadalajara: channel 35
- guipuzcoaJAIZQUIBEL, San Sebastian: channel 47
- HuelvaPUNTA UMBRÍA, Huelva: channel 38
- HuescaARGUIS, Huesca: channel 37
- Balearic IslandsALFABIA, Palma de Mallorca: channel 22
- JaenSIERRA ALMADÉN, Jaen: channel 43
- The RiojaLOGRONO, Logrono: channel 41
- the palmsISLETA, LA Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: channel 41
- LionPORTILLO, THE LION: channel 42
- LleidaALPICAT, Lleida: channel 21
- lugoPARAMO, Lugo: channel 37
- MadridSAN FERNANDO DE HENARES, San Fernando de Henares: channel 36
- Madrid,TORRESPAÑA, Madrid: channel 36
- MalagaMIJAS, Malaga: channel 26
- MurciaCARRASCOY, Murcia: channel 28
- NavarreMONREAL, Pamplona: channel 43
- OurenseOURENSE, Ourense: channel 33
- PalenciaVILLAMURIEL DE CERRATO, Palencia: channel 42
- pontevedraPONTEVEDRA, Pontevedra: channel 26
- SalamancaSALAMANCA, Salamanca: channel 33
- Santa Cruz of TenerifeIZAÑA, Santa Cruz de Tenerife: channel 37
- segoviaSEGOVIA, Segovia: channel 41
- SevilleVALENCINA, Seville: channel 36
- SoriaSORIA, SORIA: channel 46
- tarragonaMUSSARA, Tarragona: channel 42
- TeruelTERUEL, Teruel: channel 43
- ToledoCERRO PALOS, Toledo: channel 35
- ToledoTOLEDO II, Toledo: channel 35
- ValladolidVALLADOLID II, Valladolid: channel 27
- BiscayARCHANDA, Bilbao: channel 24
- ZamoraZAMORA, Zamora: channel 48
- SaragossaMUELA, Zaragoza: channel 23
This would be the complete list with all the provinces and the channel in which TVE UHD is located. Now what you have to do is start looking for this channel to be able to see the games that are going to be broadcast. In principle, TVE UHD already has a calendar of the matches that will be shown, all of which are played by Spain and, in addition, the following meetings:
- Saturday, November 26, 5:00 p.m. Spanish time: France-Denmark
- Sunday, November 27, 8:00 p.m. Spanish time: Spain-Germany
- Tuesday, November 29, 8:00 p.m. Spanish time: England-Wales
- Wednesday, November 30, 8:00 p.m. Spanish time: Poland-Argentina
- Thursday, December 1, 4:00 p.m. Spanish time: Croatia-Belgium
- Thursday, December 1, 8:00 p.m. Spanish time: Spain-Japan
- Friday, December 2, 8:00 p.m. Spanish time: Cameroon-Brazil
We hope this has been useful complete list of channels by provinces where you can find TVE UHD to be able to watch the Qatar World Cup matches in 4K from the living room of your home. Now we just have to wait for Spain to reach the final and to be able to enjoy this match in the best possible way.
The post So you can watch the Qatar 2022 World Cup matches for free in 4K resolution from your living room first appeared on Gearrice.