Nomadlist is a website specialized in helping people find the best locations around the world for live and work remotely from them. Now they have taken the results of where people who work online choose to move, who before or until now lived in various Spanish cities such as Barcelona, Madrid or Malaga, and decide to change cities.
While a few years ago she became famous for her Escape the Brexit project and aimed at all those residents of the United Kingdom who, unhappy with the result of the vote, are considering moving to another country, is now very much focused on the new trend of digital nomads.
Some days ago, the CEO on his Twitter profile Levelsio, showed that people who used to live in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, when they decided to leave this enclave they opted for Porto, Madeira, Ericeira and Algarve, within the country and through London, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris or Amsterdam, when we talk about international destinations. Well, looking at this, we have looked for what happens to people who decide to leave Madrid.
All this based on the tastes of Nomadlist users who, from what the results show, generally have high purchasing power and are city lovers (or maybe they the web only analyzes large cities and leaves out smaller destinations where other people are also interested in moving).
From Madrid… to Barcelona and vice versa

Guiding us by the URL that the CEO of Nomadlist has used to draw his conclusions about where the people who live in Lisbon decide to move later, we see that those who walk around Madrid They decide not to go too far: specifically they opt for Barcelona.
Within Spain, they also like it, in this order, Valencia, Seville, Malaga, Granada or Mallorca. It is curious that if we look at where the inhabitants of Barcelona move to, we find that their first choice is always Madrid.
When an inhabitant of Madrid decides, thanks to his online work, to move to another city outside of Spain, his favorite is Lisbon, followed by Paris, London and Amsterdam.
In any case, what is most striking is that digital nomads registered on Nomadlist who live in Madrid and decide to move are more attracted to other national destinations. The inhabitants of Barcelona, for their part, are more willing to travel around the world and rather than choose Spanish destinations (apart from Madrid or Mallorca), they go to cities in other countries such as those already mentioned and also to Budapest, New York or Rome.
beware that We are not talking about natural persons from Madrid or Barcelona in all casesbut of people who use Nomadlist and who live in these cities until they decide to change their destination.
From Malaga, southern Spain
It is curious that if we see the digital nomads who are settled in Malaga and decide to move to another city, His favorite destinations are Seville and Granada. Tarifa and Gibraltar (it’s the UK, but within Andalusia, geographically speaking) is also on his list, along with Madrid and Barcelona.
These are less inclined to go outside of Spain and, if they do, your first choice is Lisbonfollowed by Paris and Zurich.
It should be noted that we have verified that Nomadlist hardly includes cities in the north of Spain nor from the center of the Peninsula.
But investigating a little further we have seen one that does appear and that is Bilbao and the people who live in this Basque city and decide to look for a new destination, they usually choose, in this order, Dublin, Barcelona or San Sebastián (or Donostia, another of the few that appears in the northern half of the map).
In Genbeta | Telecommuting helped me move to a cheap city. I could work fewer hours to live and had a lot of free time
Images | David L. Espina Rincon on Unsplash and Nomadlist
The post many stay here to telework first appeared on Gearrice.