Researchers from the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga and the Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND) have developed a new methodology for the early detection of breast cancer through a single blood sample.
This new non-invasive method consists of DNA analysis by massive sequencing, which allows the detection of the presence of DNA released by tumor cells into the blood.
The project has been led by the researcher Iñaki Comino-Méndez and coordinated by Emilio Alba, head of service of the Intercentre Oncology Clinical Management Unit of the Regional de Málaga and Virgen de la Victoria university hospitals.
Iñaki Comino-Méndez explains that using this new technology they have analyzed blood samplesprior to any medical intervention, 75 patients who presented mammograms with indications of breast cancer.
When abnormal images are detected in mammograms, biopsy is performed
The results show that “the fact of presenting a detectable tumor mutation in the blood means that this woman has an 86% probability of having a breast tumor,” according to Comino-Méndez.
Detecting breast cancer with a drop of blood provides more information than a biopsy
This type of methodology for diagnosis has multiple advantages. For example, allowing more information about cancer to be obtained than through a biopsy conventional from a single part of the tumor from the mom
The researcher highlights that “it is a very powerful tool for detecting tumors in asymptomatic individuals and key in choosing the most appropriate therapy for each patient.”
In addition, he adds, “it will be very important for patients thanks to its ability to early detection of the disease and its consequent early treatment.
This new method, called liquid biopsy, is a lower-risk alternative to current methods
breast cancer is the most frequent in women around the world. Mammograms allow early detection programs to be carried out, and only when abnormal images are detected is a breast biopsy performed.
This new diagnostic method, called liquid biopsyrepresents an alternative to current methods, lower risk and more effective for patients, highlight the project managers, who are members of the Cancer Network Biomedical Research Center (CIBERONC), belonging to the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII ).

This article was first published on SYNC
The post Diagnose breast cancer with a drop of blood: it is already possible first appeared on Gearrice.